Posts by Michael Norton
Why Sales Training Programs Fail Reason #6: Customizing or personalizing a program makes so much sense these days as sales teams want relevancy in the classroom and buyers want to engage with well-educated and well-trained selling professionals. The intent for both training providers and organizations to meet this need is solid, however, the breakdown comes…
Read MoreBudget
Why Sales Training Programs Fail Reason #5: How much does a sales training program cost? That is really the wrong question, isn’t it? After all, many times the reason that a sales training program fails is that it was never properly budgeted from the beginning. And it is the wrong question for at least a…
Read MoreChoose to Win
Winning Happens When We Choose to Win When we are intentional about making our choices and deliberate when it comes to choosing our own path, we typically increase our chances of success. It’s when we allow others to make our choices for us, or when we allow circumstances or even prior habits to dictate our…
Read MoreCommitment to Reinforcement
Why Sales Training Programs Fail Reason #4: In the early days of planning to buy, build, and implement a sales training solution, organizations include reinforcement as a “must-have” in order to make sure the training sticks and that the sales teams adopt and use the sales skills and techniques learned during training. Even when vetting…
Read MoreUniversal Approach
Why Sales Training Programs Fail Reason #3: If there is one thing companies should consider when launching a sales training program is that a “one size fits all” approach may not work. There are so many factors that go into deciding who we should have participate in the training program. Do we train everyone? Because…
Read MoreSales Savvy Point of Contact
Why Sales Training Programs Fail Reason #2: Now that the decision has been made to move forward with a sales training initiative, the budget has been approved, the training partner selected, all that is left to do is assign the project to someone who will own the program within the organization. This is never as…
Read MoreLack of Leadership Support
Why Sales Training Programs Fail Reason #1: One of the primary reasons a sales training program fails is that management and leadership are not completely sold on the selected training program or even the idea of doing any type of sales training at all. And when there is a lack of buy-in at the top,…
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