Top talent talks about the importance of culture
Here we are wrapping up the series, “The 5 C’s of Retaining Top Talent.” Now it’s time to link connection, collaboration, change and consistency to culture. And culture, according to some top performers across several industries, was the difference maker in their decision to stay in their current role, or to leave and explore finding success elsewhere.
Improve retention with persistent consistency
As we continue to talk about hiring and keeping a productive and performance-driven team, we must include “Consistency” in our “5 C’s for Retaining Top Talent.”
How we manage change impacts retention of the best
ies on “The 5 C’s of Retaining Top Talent.” In week one we discussed the importance of connecting with our team members, and last week we added a discussion around collaboration. Recognizing that everyone on our team, including our top performers, wants to be part of the creative and strategic thinking that will lead to personal and professional success.
Collaboration is key to your most valuable players
As part two of the series on “Retaining Top Talent,” and following up on last week’s column on connection, today we will visit the role that collaboration plays in keeping top talent. Some of the most productive meetings I have ever been a part of included collaboration. Whether it was just two of us or several people in the room, harnessing the power of collaboration always yielded the greatest results.
The 5 C’s to retaining top talent starts with connection
This is the first in a five-part series on best practices for attracting, hiring and keeping top talent. Over the next several weeks we will explore the 5 C’s that can help us better understand our employees and team members and how we can create a top performing organization that attracts the very best people. Those 5 C’s are Connection; Collaboration; Change; Consistency; and Culture.
Adding experience to life’s greatest teachers
This column is dedicated to all the wonderful and committed teachers in our communities. Before the pandemic began, they already had my deepest respect. So, a big shout out to each teacher in my life who helped me in some way along life’s journey — I appreciate you all so much.
Decaffeinate and de-escalate
There is a time and place for pithy remarks, sarcasm and even bad jokes. OK, well maybe there is never a good time for bad jokes, but pithy remarks and sarcasm, absolutely.
The Elegant Solution is Thinking Before Speaking
There is a time and place for pithy remarks, sarcasm and even bad jokes. OK, well maybe there is never a good time for bad jokes, but pithy remarks and sarcasm, absolutely.
Rules and Roles in an Ever-Changing Game
If the game itself isn’t changing, the rules often do. Sometimes, any change to the rules could make the game harder to play and challenging to follow. We see penalties assessed and wonder why. Or we see very clear infractions, with no penalty called.
Achieving Success Starts with Defining Success
children laughed harder, cheering on their friends. The game they were playing was “pin the tail on the donkey.” As each attempt found its way somewhere other than the donkey, the farther away the tail landed, the greater the laughter.
Our Brand is More Than Just the Logo on our Shirt
The other day, a teenager was approaching me wearing a black concert T-shirt with an image of Led Zeppelin on the front, and the year 1977. He happened to stop right in front of me to wait for traffic to stop so he could cross the street. So, I made a comment letting him know I liked the T-shirt and shared that I had seen Led Zeppelin perform in 1977 at Madison Square Garden in New York City.
Recognition Begins with Appreciation
The business operates seven days a week in the summer months. Some days are busier than others, with customers waiting in line. Most wait patiently while others, well … not so much.
Unexpected Advice: Shrug it Off
A friend of mine has spent most of his life in a gym. He has gone from body building to power lifting and then back to body building. He is now in maintenance mode like many his age.
A Healthy Self Image: The Best Sales Training You Can Give or Get
So, you’ve invested more money in sales training recently and still only see marginal improvement, or maybe even no discernable changes whatsoever. New sales hires come through the onboarding program, but somehow the majority wash out or turnover within the first six months. This has always been a very dangerous and expensive game to play.
Anyone Else But Me
Many of us daydream or fantasize about being someone else. Did you ever look at someone else’s life and wish that you could have their physique, home, money, car or job? I think at some point in life, maybe we have all entertained thoughts about being someone different or having something that we did not already own.
What I Wouldn’t Give for Just Five More Minutes
How many times have we thought, “If I could only do that over again?” Whatever that is, there is always at least one thing, maybe several things, we wish we could take another shot at. There are conversations where we wish we could have said something differently or take back the words we spoke in haste or in an unprepared moment.
Conviction Cures Complacency
As a big believer in the less-is-more approach, I find three-word statements to be powerful in their meaning, easy to remember, and in most cases impactful when applied. “Less is more,” three simple words that when we put them together, make so much sense while keeping us focused.
Managing the Game Clock–A Very Timely Sales Best Practice
Salespeople who understand how to manage the game clock for maximum effectiveness will outsell their competition every time. I had two fantastic experiences this week with sales professionals who displayed excellent management of the game clock, or for our purposes, the sales clock.
Time to Put our Heart Back Into it
There are many things that I have enjoyed about my journey through life. And one of those things has been meeting so many people and learning about what they do for a living, what their hobbies are, their family history and where they are from.
Four Keys to Achieving Maximum Results
During a recent webinar I participated in, one of the other guests talked about having a passion for success, a passion for winning, and even a passion for losing. When we succeed and as we win, it becomes very easy to follow the philosophy of “Success begets success,” and “Winning begets winning.”
Selling is Like Riding a Bicycle, To Stay in the Game You Have to Keep Moving
“Time kills deals!” I still remember the first time a sales manager said that to me. It was early in my selling career and my manager had just asked me about an opportunity that continued to push. First, it was a one-month push, then two months, and then it was over, and I had lost the sale.
Experiencing Life’s Abundance
One of the bigger misconceptions and mistakes I see or hear is around abundance. For some reason, many of us immediately associate abundance with money.
Truer Words May Have Never Been Spoken
When I researched this famous quote, I found some interesting facts, great insights about its origin, and who may have uttered some version of this for the very first time. Up until this week, I had always attributed this quote to our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln.
Rehearsing Success Leads to Success
When we anticipate the future, do we see ourselves winning or succeeding? Or do we look into our future and see only losses or failure ahead?
Have You Found What You Are Looking For?
Most of us are probably familiar with this song by U2, if not, I highly recommend giving it a listen. This song popped into my head recently as I was on vacation. Yes, vacation, my first trip in 14 months. As I walked along the beach, I was scanning the sand for unusual shells, sea glass, or unique pieces of coral. Something I have always done when visiting a beach.